Providence Orthodox Presbyterian Church

We stand in that stream of Christian tradition known as Reformed.

Grounded in Scripture, and tracing our roots to the Protestant Reformation, Providence Orthodox Presbyterian Church seeks to be a Church “reformed, and always reforming, according to the Word of God.”

The God Who Acts for Us in Christ

Here are some thoughts on the Triune God who acts for us.. Anyone who spends any time in the church knows that Jesus Christ is predominantly present. He is central for us because in him God has acted for our salvation. One way to think of this is Jesus Christ is God in his movement toward us. The scripture says, “In him dwells the fullness of God” (Colossians 1:19). Jesus Christ makes known to us the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God’s interaction with us is a triune interaction. In other words, God acts for us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In the Gospel of John (10:37ff), Jesus makes it clear that he and the Father are engaged in the same works, and he later includes the Spirit in this work (John 14:15ff). We would make a grave mistake if we thought that the Son acted alone or separately from the Father, or the Father from the Son, or the Spirit from the Father and the Son. God never acts toward us in part.  The Father did not create all things by himself. The Father created all things with the Son and the Spirit. Our salvation does not come from Jesus alone but from the Father and the Spirit as well. The same can be said for the new life of the Spirit; it is also the new life of the Father and the Son. Therefore, our beginning with Christ is our beginning with the triune God.

For more information about Providence Church, call (248) 547-9585.